Clear and respectful boundaries are a core aspect of sexual mastery.
If you get a "No" honor it, enjoy it, feel it.
It is a powerful experience.
Someone who sexually rejects you gives you a doorway into intimacy.
Yes! That's right!
You actually build up connection and intimacy by receiving it.
It is a window into intimacy potential.
It is a gateway to truth and authenticity.
It is way more interesting to play with someone who is powerful enough to give you a "No".
If someone gives you a "Yes" by fear or incapacity to express what they want, you enter in emotionally unstable territory.
Clear boundaries are a great starting point to great sex.
By the way, clear boundaries can mean no boundaries.
It can be a clear blanket agreement to do what you want anytime.
But it is an agreement and it is clear.
It is based on an expression of our power rather than a fearful "Yes".